Danny Karon, your Lovable Lawyer, explains class action lawsuits:
“Today I wanted to talk about class action lawsuits. A regular lawsuit is where there is one plaintiff and one defendant and they are against each other. But in a class action lawsuit, there are a lot of victims or plaintiffs against one or more defendants. Whether it’s a securities fraud case, an antitrust case, or a consumer case, it’s typically lots and lots of folks.
However, it doesn’t automatically happen that way. It’s not like a plaintiff can show up in court and say “I’ve got a million folks situated like I am and I want to make it a class action.” Instead, a class action plaintiff has to go through a bunch of really rigorous steps and demonstrate their satisfaction to the judge before he or she will flip the switch and certify the complaint, originally between the plaintiff and the defendant, as a class action. That suddenly turns the complaint into a big case against the defendant with hundreds or sometimes millions of people.
When class actions resolve, often by settlement, you get mail or you see what’s called a Notice of Settlement or Notice of Claim online. This is where you are told how much money you are going to get and what other kind of relief you’re going to get. Sometimes it’s a lot and sometimes it’s a little. Whenever I get a Notice of Settlement, I always go after what I’m owed. It may not be a lot but it adds up to a lot of money and that’s what matters. If you complete the claim form or go through the steps that the notice requires, you will get what you are owed as a result of the settlement.
Make sure you read these notices and go after what you’re owed. I do and you should, too.
That’s today’s shot of legal wellness as it concerns class actions. I hope it helped and I’ll see you again soon.”
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