Watch Out for These Holiday Scams!

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Hi, I’m Danny Karon, your Lovable Lawyer here with your holiday shot of legal wellness.

Today, I want to talk about three holiday scams that you should keep your eyes out for. The first involves in-home delivery. We’re getting a lot of stuff on Amazon and we get text messages talking about the status of our deliveries. If they contain a link, don’t click on it. Often, it’s a phishing expedition looking to get information from you or they load malware on your computer. If you want to reach the delivery service, go to their website and call the official number.

Number two, gift cards. Sometimes, you’ll have someone from say Microsoft or Apple call and tell you that they need a gift card number to pay to fix your software. Listen, gift cards are for buying stuff not for fixing stuff or paying bills. Never give them away. That’s often, if not always, a scheme.

Third is charities. You know 40% of charitable giving happens toward year end and we’re at home. We’re not going to fundraisers, we’re giving online. So, research your charities. Make sure it’s a legitimate one before you start giving money away.

The holidays are supposed to be fun, not a time to get scammed. So, be smart, do your research, and take care of yourself. If you want to learn more about legal wellness, join me at Until next time, I’m Danny Karon, your Lovable Lawyer.

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