Wondering why Danny Karon decided to create “Your Lovable Lawyer”?
Throughout his career, Danny realized that many people don’t know their rights, and even when they do, they don’t realize they have a problem that’s fixable. And even if they know these things, often they don’t know – or can’t afford – a lawyer who can help them.
So by default, society is promoting a systemic bias that often denies access to justice to people who need it most. This bias victimizes our friends and neighbors who are unconnected, uninformed, and underprivileged.
But legal awareness and peace of mind are basic rights that everyone deserves. And that’s the goal of Your Lovable Lawyer—to provide legal wellness to all.
Danny is committed to making the law less scary. He strives to promote legal wellness in the same way as daytime doctors’ shows – like Dr. Oz and Dr. Phil – promote physical and mental wellness and daytime money shows – like Suze Orman and Mad Money – promote financial wellness.
Whether it’s signing a contract for a new cell phone, handling an auto accident, or helping mom and dad arrange their affairs now that they’re getting older, Danny wants to make you more comfortable with these situations. By empowering you to spot issues, you will be in a better position to consider whether to seek legal help to protect yourself and your family.
So we hope you’ll join Danny Karon, Your Lovable Lawyer, on this legal journey. A journey to self-confidence and empowerment. A journey to legal peace of mind. A journey to legal wellness.
© 2025 Dan Karon. All Rights Reserved.